100+ Animals that Start With J
Last Updated on October 22, 2021 by
Are you looking for the best list of animals that start with J?
How many animals can you think of that start with the letter J? Are you forgetting about Jaguar, Jellyfish and Jumping Spider?
There are so many incredible J letter animals to choose from. In this article we’ll review the top 100 animals that start with the letter J. We’ll cover J animals that will be sure to impress! There are loads of interesting J animals to review.
Foster your interest in animals by learning about animals that begin with the letter ‘J.’Â
Jacks-of-all-trades, Masters of the Kingdom: 15 Animals that Start with the Letter ‘J’
All animals are good at something, but some of them are skillful at almost everything, from hunting, foraging, escaping, fighting, and even reproducing. Here are some of the best and if not, the most famous creatures in the world of animals.Â
Animals with Unusual Names that Start with the Letter ‘J’
Some animals can make you laugh or astonish you with their strange yet funny names. Check out these creatures that start with the letter ‘J.’
- Jabiru
- Jackass
- Jackknife Fish
- Jamaican Laughing Frog
- Jamaican Snoring Frog
- Japanese Wrinkled Frog
- Jasus
- Javan Chorus Frog
- Javan Slit-faced Bat
- Javelin Frog
- Jerusalem Cricket
- Jingle Shell
- Jonah Crab
- Joyful Greenbul
- Jumping Jack
Just Spooky: Mysterious Animals that Start with ‘J’
Evolution can do wonders. Don’t get shocked by the following outlandish creatures that begin with the letter ‘J.’
- Jacana
- Jackson’s Chameleon
- Japanese Black Salamander
- Japanese Bullhead Shark
- Japanese Fire-bellied Newt
- Japanese Glass Shrimp
- Japanese Spider Crab
- Javan Frogmouth
- Javan Horned Frog
- Javan Langur
- Jerboa
- Jeweled Chameleon
- Jeweled Lizard
- John Dory (Fish)
- Jumping Stick
Just Cute Creatures that Start with the Letter ‘J’
Check out the following creatures that are simply cute and lovable in all aspects.
- Jacamar
- James’s Gerbil
- Japanese Chin
- Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel
- Japanese Marten
- Japanese Squirrel
- Japanese White Rabbit
- Javan Tree Shrew
- Japeke
- Jersey Wooly
- Jico Deer Mouse
- Julia Creek Dunnart
- Jumping Spider
- Junco
- Jungle Flycatcher
Not-so Jumbo: Tiny Animals that Begin with the Letter ‘J’
As the saying goes, “small but mighty,” the following small animals can prove that they are indeed powerful creatures on earth.
- Jackdaw
- Jade Beetle
- Jalapa Spiny Lizard
- Jalisco Cotton Rat
- Japanese Beetle
- Jar Fly
- Jassid
- Jenkin’s Shrew
- Joon
- Julia Butterfly
- Jumping Mouse
- Jumping Plant Louse
- Jungle Crow
- Jungle Palm Squirrel
- Juniper Shield Bug
Jumbo Animals that Start with the Letter ‘J’
Discover more about these jumbo-sized creatures that rule the world with their strength and stature.
- Japanese Black (Cattle)
- Jaca Navarra
- Jaguar
- Jamaican Boa
- Jamnapari
- Japanese Giant Salamander
- Javan Leopard
- Javan Pony
- Javan Rhinoceros
- Javan Rusa
- Javan Warty Pig
- Jeju Horse
- Johnson’s Crocodile
- Juan Fernández Fur Seal
- Jutland Horse
Unbelievably Charming Animals that Start with the Letter ‘J’
Can you believe that there are living beings that are exceeding in adorableness? Well, here are 15 unbelievably charming creatures that start with the letter ‘J.’
- Jack Snipe
- Jackrabbit
- Jackson’s Hornbill
- Jaeger
- Jaguarundi
- Jameson’s Red Rockhare
- Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel
- Japanese Terrier
- Japanese Spitz
- Javan Ferret-Badger
- Javanese
- Jerdon’s Palm Civet
- Jico Deer Mouse
- Jungle Bush Quail
- Jungle Cat