100+ Animals that start with L
Last Updated on October 26, 2021 by
Looking for the best animals that start with L?
How many L animals come to mind when you first think of the letter L? Is it Lion or Llama that you think of first? ! In this article we’ll review the top 100 animals that start with the letter L. We’ll cover all the amazingly lovable L animals around.
The letter L includes some amazing animals that are sure to impress!
Have you heard of the Lemur, Locust and Lemon Shark? These are just a few examples of the interesting animals that start with L.
Below you will find a list of the most common letter L animals:
The Leaders: Top 15 Animals that Start with the Letter ‘L’
Here are the most popular L animals:
Bizarre, Baffling: Creatures with Weird Names that Start with the Letter ‘L’
Get to know the following animals with the most bizarre names you would ever hear.
- Liger
- Lungfish
- Lamancha Goat
- Lechwe
- Lutung
- Long-wattled Umbrellabird
- Lace Catfish
- Lemon Tetra
- Largemouth Buffalo (Fish)
- Lesser Bleeding Heart Tetra
- Lilac-breasted Roller
- Labradoodle
- Long-Tailed Tit
- Leaf-nosed Bat
- Lizard Beetle
Remarkably Exotic: Strange Animals that Start with the Letter ‘L’
Some animals are simply different from other beings. The following 15 living creatures are exceptional for their physique, abilities, and dispositions.
- Langur
- Leech
- Lionfish
- Lamprey
- Leaf-tailed Gecko
- Leafy Seadragon
- Leaf Mantis
- Leaf-mimic Katydid
- Lanternfly
- Lowland Streaked Tenrec
- Long-beaked Echidna
- Leaf Fish
- Long-Nosed LoachÂ
- Longhorn Cowfish
- Lammergeier
As Pretty as a Picture: The Cutest Animals that Start with the Letter ‘L’
While others can draw your attention for their exotic characteristics, other animals are well-known for their attractive and cute appearances.
- Lemming
- Lorikeet
- Loris
- Long-nosed Bandicoot
- Lesser Grison
- Little Red Kaluta
- Lodgepole Chipmunk
- Lada Pika
- Least Weasel
- Little Penguin
- Least Shrew
- Lesser white-toothed Shrew
- Laced Woodpecker
- Large Tree Mouse
- Lyrebird
Not-so Big Beings: Little Creatures that Start with L
Some living beings make use of their petite size to lurk in small spaces, hide from predators, and consume less food. Get to know some of these tiny animals that start with the letter ‘L.’
- Limpet
- Long-Finned BarbÂ
- Leafcutter Ant
- Leopard Frog
- Little Brown Bat
- Leopard Gecko
- Lacewing
- Longspur
- Leaf-cutter Bee
- Leaf Beetle
- Little Brown Myotis
- Leisler’s Bat
- Leaf-rolling Weevil
- Louse Fly
- Leafhopper
Large and Heavy: The Biggest Animals that begin with the Letter ‘L’
Size really matters for the following creatures, for they use it for hunting prey and surviving in the wild.
- Llama
- LigerÂ
- LionÂ
- Leopard
- Leopard Shark
- Leopard Tortoise
- Laticeps StingrayÂ
- Limpkin
- Lesser Kudu
- Ling
- Long-finned Pilot Whale
- Leopard Seal
- Loggerhead Sea Turtle
- Leatherback Sea Turtle
- Longfin Mako Shark
Loving and Adorable Animals that Start with the Letter ‘L’
Learn how to love these 15 adorable creatures that begin with the letter ‘L.’
- Lynx
- Labrador Retriever
- Leopard Cat
- Little Penguin
- Long-eared Owl
- Lhasa Apso
- Loon
- Lamb
- Lapwing
- Lancashire Heeler
- Lamulate Shrew
- Lowchen
- Lakeland Terrier
- Labrador Duck
- Layard’s Palm Squirrel