Interesting Animal Facts About Deer

Interesting Animal Facts About Deer

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Last Updated on April 9, 2022 by

Deer are beautiful and majestic animals that can be found all over the world.

Known for their quiet and timid nature, there is a lot to learn about these fascinating creatures that go far beyond what you learn in Bambi.

In this article, we’ll be guiding you through some of the most interesting facts about deer, so you can gain a better understanding of these wonderful animals.

Interesting Facts About Deer

Without further ado, here are the facts about deer that you need to know:

Deer are herbivores, meaning they eat plants. They are also known as cervids, which means they have horns. Deer belong to the family Cervidae. There are over 100 species of deer worldwide.

The largest deer is the American mule deer, weighing between 200 and 300 pounds (90–140 kg).

Deer are found throughout the world. In North America, white-tailed deer are the most common type. Other types include black-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, moose, caribou, red deer, fallow deer, sika deer, roe deer, and musk deer.

Deer are often hunted for their meat and hides. Their antlers are used for decoration or to fight other animals. Some people collect them like trophies.

The word “deer” comes from the Old English word dēor, which meant “dear one.” This was a name given to a person who had been very dear to someone else. It eventually became a general term for any kind of wild animal that was hunted for its flesh.

It is most likely that the first deer in history was probably the cave bear. These creatures lived during the Ice Age when there were no humans.

Scientists believe that some of these bears survived into modern times. Although we don’t know exactly how many deer existed before humans, it’s estimated that there were around 10 million deer at this time.

People began hunting deer for food after they learned how to domesticate dogs. Dogs helped hunters find prey by tracking it through scent.

By using dogs, hunters could follow the trail of an injured or dying deer. When they caught up with the deer, they would kill it.

Hunting deer has always been a popular sport. Hunters use bows and arrows, guns, nets, traps, spears, and even poison to hunt deer. Sometimes deer are killed accidentally by predators such as wolves, coyotes, foxes, eagles, owls, hawks, snakes, and spiders.

Hunted deer may be taken alive if they are trapped in cages, corrals, or pens. Hunters sometimes capture deer in order to study them. If the deer is not captured, it will die within hours.

In some parts of the United States, deer are considered pests because they destroy crops, gardens, and forests. Farmers try to control deer populations by poisoning them with arsenic, strychnine, and cyanide.

In the late 1800s, scientists started breeding deer to create new kinds of deer. One result was the creation of the Mule Deer.

Deer can live for 20 years or more. Most deer reach sexual maturity at two to three years old. A female usually gives birth to one fawn every year. Male deer grow antlers only once.

Deer are social animals. Males compete with each other for females. During mating season, males fight each other for dominance.

Deer communicate with sounds, smells, touch, and sight. They make different sounds depending on what they’re doing. For example, they make different noises while eating than when fighting.

Deer are herd animals. They spend much of their lives together in groups called herds. Herds consist of mothers, young, and older members. The mother keeps her babies safe and warm. She also teaches them how to eat, drink, sleep, and play.

When deer are born, they have soft fur. As they get older, their coats become harder and thicker. Each hair grows longer and becomes darker.

Deer are herbivores. They eat grass, leaves, twigs, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, and fungi. They do not chew their cud like cows and sheep. Instead, they swallow it whole.

Deer are territorial animals. They mark their territory with urine and feces. When deer feel threatened, they run away from danger. However, they often return to where they’ve been attacked. This behavior helps them remember which areas are dangerous.

Most deer are white or brownish-gray. Some deer have spots or stripes. There are many types of deer. Some look very similar to humans. Others are completely different.

The American Bison (Bison bison) is a large mammal that looks like a cross between a cow and a buffalo. It’s native to North America.

The European Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) is a small deer found throughout Europe. Its coat color varies from gray to reddish-brown.

The Fallow Deer (Dama dama) is an ancient species of deer that lived during the Pleistocene period. It is now extinct.

The Fallow Buck (Cervus elaphus) is a subspecies of fallow deer. It is smaller than the common fallow deer.

The Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) is a medium-sized deer. It is native to Japan and China.

The Red Deer (Cervus elaphodos) is a medium-size deer that lives in Asia. It has long legs and horns.

The White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is a medium-small deer. It is native across most of North America.

The Yakutian Moose (Alces alces gigas) is a large moose native to Russia and Alaska.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Do Deer Contribute To The Ecosystem?

Deer help to maintain healthy forests by keeping down the undergrowth. Without deer, trees would be cut down too quickly. This could lead to erosion.

Deer also keep forests open, so plants can grow. Plants need sunlight to survive. If there were no deer, the forest floor would be covered with deadwood. This would prevent new plants from growing.

Deer eat plants that are harmful to people. Deer eat poisonous plants such as poison ivy. Poison ivy causes skin rashes when you come into contact with it.

Deer eat some plants that are good for people. Deer eat acorns, berries, and other food that we enjoy.

How Do Deer Reproduce?

Deer mate in the autumn. A male deer calls out his mating call. He does this by blowing air through his nose. His sound travels through the air. Female deer hear him and respond.

A female deer will let males mount her. Then she moves around until he stops. Afterward, she lets him leave. She may stay with one male for several days.

After mating, a female gives birth to one baby at a time. The babies are called fawns. Fawns are born blind and helpless. Their eyes open after three weeks.

Females give birth every year. Male deer live only two years.

How Big Are Deer?

Deer vary greatly in size. Small deer weigh less than 100 pounds. Large deer weigh more than 1,000 pounds.

Small deer include:

  • American Mule Deer (Odocoiles americanus)
  • White-Tailed Deer (Moose)
  • Fallow Deer (Red Deer)
  • Sambar Deer (Rusa unicolor)
  • Muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak)
  • Sambar Sheep (Poephagus sp.)

Large deer include:

  • Fallow Buck (Cervuselaphus elaphus)
  • European Roe Deer (Capra hircus)
  • Yakutian Moose (Alce stercorea)
  • European Elk (Elk Cervus elaphus europaeus)


In conclusion, deer shouldn’t be viewed as just shy or timid creatures as there is so much that they contribute to the animal kingdom and ecosystem.

Next time you are wandering through some woodland and come across a deer, you’ll find that you have even more appreciation for these beautiful creatures.

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