Interesting Animal Facts About Eagles
Last Updated on April 9, 2022 by
The bald eagle is a large predatory bird of the family Accipitridae, which also includes hawks and falcons. It was first described by Linnaeus in 1758 under its current name, but it has been known by
Eagles are the largest birds of prey, and they can weigh up to 7 kg (15lbs). They have a long beak, a large head, strong legs, and talons on their feet.
They hunt by flying at high speed and swooping down upon their prey in an attempt to grab it with its powerful claws or neck. Eagles also use their wings for steering while gliding through the air.
Their eyesight is excellent, and they can spot prey from great distances away. Eagles eat meat, fish, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, and insects.
There are about 40 species of eagles, and they are divided into five families: Accipitridae, Falconidae, Hirundinidae, Pandionidae and Otididae.
Interesting Eagle Facts
Now that we know a little about these amazing, majestic birds let us dive right into some amazingly interesting facts about the noble eagle.
Did You Know That An Eagle Has One Million Cones Per Millimeter On Its Retina?
The retina of most animals contains approximately 6 million rods and 1.5 million cones per millimeter, but some animals like owls, hawks, and eagles have more than one million cones.
The human eye contains roughly 10 times as many cones as rods. When you look at the sky, you are looking at trillions of tiny stars all spread out across your field of vision!
In fact, when you see something really bright like the sun or a star, it’s actually too dim to register on your retinas because there are so many of them.
Did You Know That Eagles Often Eat Fish?
Fish are often eaten by eagles, even though they usually prefer larger land-based prey such as rabbits, rodents, snakes, lizards, frogs, turtles, snails, and other invertebrates.
This is because fish are abundant, fast-moving, and easy to catch. Eagles will sometimes wait until after dark before hunting since this gives them better visibility and allows them to pick off smaller fish.
It is estimated that only 15% of eagles caught food during daytime hours.
Did You Know That Eagles Have An Average Lifespan Of 20 Years?
Most eagles live for 20 years or longer, although in captivity, some have lived as long as 30 years.
As with any bird, starvation is the number one cause of death in wild eagles, but they can also die from disease, injury, and old age. Some people keep eagles as pets.
Birds are considered “pets” if they are kept as companions rather than just being used for entertainment purposes.
Eager owners may try to encourage their pet birds to do tricks, which can lead to health problems.
For example, an owner might feed a parrot seeds instead of fruits and vegetables, causing tooth decay. Parrots also need regular baths and grooming to stay healthy.
Did You Know That An Eagle In Captivity Often Lives Longer?
In captivity, eagles can live much longer than they would in the wild. Most captive eagles live for around twenty years. If they are very well cared for, they may live for thirty years or more.
Did You Know That An Eagle’s Beak Bends As It Gets Older?
As an eagle ages, its beaks become weaker and less flexible. Because of this, older eagles tend to be slower and less nimble.
A good diet and plenty of exercise help prevent this issue. Young eagles have stronger bones and sharper teeth, making them faster and more agile.
Did You Know That January The 10th Is ‘Save The Eagles’ Day?
Every year, on the first day of spring, millions of people celebrate National Save the Eagles Day. Many people make donations in support of endangered species protection programs.
On this day, we remember how beautiful and important these birds are to our lives.
Did You Know That The Bald Eagle Is A National Symbol In The United States?
Bald eagles were once common throughout North America up until the 1800s, and now there are fewer than 5,000 nesting pairs left in the lower 48 states.
There are no bald eagle populations remaining in Canada or Alaska. Bald eagles are protected under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA).
Did You Know That The Philippine Eagle Is The Philippines National Bird?
The Philippine eagle was declared the national bird of the Philippines in 1998. The Philippine eagle has been listed as critically endangered since 1994.
Did You Know That An Eagle Can Fly Up To 15,000 Feet High?
Eagle wings can reach speeds of 70 miles per hour; however, the fastest recorded flight speed for an eagle is over 100 mph. Eagles fly at least 600 feet high every second.
Did You Know That An Eagle Can Fly Up To 160 Kilometers Per Hour?
An eagle can easily travel 120 kilometers per hour or 75 miles per hour. This is about three times the speed of sound. Eagles can flap their wings 40-80 times per minute while flying through the air.
Did You Know That Baby Eagles Are Only Fully Grown At 12 Weeks Of Age?
Baby eagles begin life weighing between 1 and 2 ounces. They grow rapidly after birth and weigh 8 to 14 pounds by two weeks of age. By six months, baby eagles weigh about 60 pounds.
Did You Know That Eagles Do Not Push Their Chicks Out Of The Nest?
Eagles do not push their chicks out of the nest to teach them to fly. Instead, eagles carefully watch their babies hatch and then leave the nest when the chicks are ready to take off themselves.
When the young eagles find food, they return home to eat.
Did You Know That The Bald Eagle’s Name Is Derived From An Old English Word?
While many of us think that the bald eagle’s name is linked to the white coloring on their head. This name actually derived from the old English word ‘Balde’ which translates to ‘white’.
Did You Know That Eagles Can Balance Their Feathers?
Eagles need to keep themselves balanced so that they can fly smoothly in the air. They have even adapted to shed a feather on the opposite side of their body if one has fallen out.
Did You Know That Eagles Do Not Mate In The Air?
Male and female eagles rarely mate in the air. Most mating occurs on land or in tree branches.
If you see a pair of eagles soaring together, it is likely that they are looking for a place to set up a nest for the next season.
Did You Know That Eagles Mate For Life?
Mating is very important to eagles because it helps ensure the survival of their offspring. Once a male and female have mated, they will remain bonded for life.
Did You Know That Eagles Will Drop Their Prey From High Up To Incapacitate Them?
If an eagle drops its prey from a height greater than 30 meters, the prey usually dies within seconds. At this point, the eagle will consume its prey or bring its prey back to the nest.
Did You Know That Eagles Have Quite A High Body Temperature?
Female eagles have body temperatures of 106 degrees Fahrenheit while males have a body temperature that is mildly higher than this.
This means that eagles can withstand much colder weather than humans.
Did You Know That An Eagle’s Beak Is Made Of Keratin?
Eagles’ beaks are made of keratin, just like our fingernails, hair, and horns. Keratin is a hard substance found in animal tissues such as hooves, claws, and feathers.
It provides strength and flexibility to these parts.
Did You Know That Thousands Of Eagles Were Killed In The 20th Century?
The bald eagle was once one of the most abundant birds in North America. Unfortunately, during the last century, millions of eagles were killed due to loss of habitat and hunting.
Today, only 5% of the original population remains.
Did You Know That A Male And Female Eagle Work As A Team?
A female and male eagle usually work in tandem to rear chicks and have very different roles. For example, it is normally the female who stays at the nest and sits on the eggs until they hatch.
Normally the male’s jobs bring food back to the nest
Did You Know That Female Bald Eagles Are Heavier Than Males?
Female bald eagles weigh about 7 pounds more than males. The extra weight is needed since females produce less energy than males.
This difference also explains why a male and female eagle look similar but weigh significantly different amounts.
Did You Know That Eagles Are More Active In The Daytime?
Eagles are generally active during the day and sleep at night. However, if there is no food available, they may spend the entire day sleeping.
Did You Know That Eagles Are Constantly Repairing Their Nest?
To keep its nest clean and odor-free and structurally integral, an eagle has to repair it often. They use their talons to scrape off any unwanted debris before returning to the nest.
Did You Know That Eagles Are Mentioned In The Christian Bible Over Thirty Times?
Throughout the bible, in the old and New Testament, there are several mentions of eagles. In fact, these noble birds are mentioned over thirty times.
For example, in the New Testament book of Matthew (Matthew 10:16), Jesus says “Behold! I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves”.
In addition, another passage states “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid” (Isaiah 11:6).
Final Thoughts
We hope you enjoyed reading about these interesting eagle facts, there is certainly a lot to learn about these majestic birds and this article only scratches the surface.