What Do Peacocks Eat In The Wild?
Last Updated on June 29, 2023 by Shu
As peacocks are very eye-catching and interesting creatures, what they eat isn’t a very well-known fact. They are not known for what they feast on during the day and night, but it poses the question, what do peacocks eat, and are they fussy-eaters?
This article will inform you about what peacocks eat and whether or not they are fussy-eaters. You can find out more about a peacock’s diet below and see how it differs from our own!
Peacock – a.k.a Peafowl
Peacocks are incredibly fascinating creatures that we often marvel at due to their beautiful form, amazing colors, and striking feathers.
Although peacocks are not often kept as pets, it is completely normal to be intrigued by them as they are very beautiful. It is common to refer to both sexes of birds as peacocks.
However, peacocks are only males technically. Peahens are females, and peafowl are males and females together. Baby peacocks are often referred to peachicks.
Each female will lay three to five eggs if the male gathers a harem of several females.
What Food Do Peacocks Eat In The Wild?
When they are in the wild, peacocks will feast on a variety of different foods, but what they eat is not a well-known fact.
Peacocks Diet List
They have a diverse diet that consists of both plant matter and small animals. Peacocks are omnivores and they eat almost anything. They are not fussy eaters and usually adapt their feeding habits based on the available food sources.
In the wild, peacocks primarily feed on fruits, berries, seeds, and insects. They are particularly fond of insects like beetles, grasshoppers, and worms. Their strong beaks allow them to grasp and consume these small animals effortlessly.
Peacocks also enjoy eating small amphibians, reptiles, and even rodents if the opportunity arises. They are opportunistic hunters and will prey on any small creature they can catch. Additionally, peacocks feed on plant matter such as leaves, buds, flowers, and grasses.
They are known to consume a wide variety of plant species, including both cultivated and wild plants. Peacocks are especially fond of plants with vibrant and colorful flowers, which may explain their preference for gardens and agricultural fields.
However, despite their omnivorous nature, peacocks also have specific dietary needs. They require enough protein to maintain their colorful plumage (tail feathers), which is an essential aspect of mating and displaying courtship behaviors.
Peahens are often attracted to males with brighter and more vibrant plumage, so peacocks actively seek out protein-rich food sources. Overall, peacocks have a versatile diet that includes both plant matter and small mammals, allowing them to adapt and thrive in various environments.
Baby Peacocks Eat Plants
Peacocks love feasting on plants and they eat a lot of different varieties. They enjoy pecking leafy greens, flower petals, roots, soft leaves, and grass.
They are not very fussy when it comes to what plants they eat, but a soft texture is preferable as it allows them to enjoy their food without damaging themselves.
Peacocks Eat Snakes and Reptiles
Peacocks have very sharp talons that enable them to capture small snakes and reptiles to feast on, which is what makes up a lot of their daily diet.
They enjoy eating several different small reptiles like snakes and lizards, but they cannot eat turtles or other reptiles with a hard shell as this can cause internal damage.
Peacocks eat a lot of insects as they are full of protein to add to their diets.
They are not fussy when it comes to choosing insects to eat, and they enjoy eating a wide variety, including earthworms, spiders, millipedes, centipedes, scorpions, ants, crickets, and many more.
They find the insects to eat by scratching the soil and finding their prey.
Grains provide peacocks with energy during the day and they enjoy eating lots of different grains like corn, oats, and wheat.
They love to eat grains and they feel energized after eating them, allowing them to look for more prey.
Fruit is very easy for peacocks to find in the wild and they enjoy a wide variety. Some fruits that they enjoy eating include strawberries, grapes, apples, mangoes, and a wide range of berries.
Fruit is easy for them to digest and provides them with necessary vitamins and nutrients.
As well as fruit, vegetables are easy for peacocks to find in the wild and provide them with a tasty snack to feast on.
Some of their favorite vegetables include spinach, green beans, cucumber, and peas, but they also enjoy cooked sweet potatoes or pumpkins.
They are not only tasty treats but they are packed full of nutrients.
How Do Wild Peacocks Eat Their Food?
As peacocks enjoy eating a variety of different foods in the wild, how do they find it?
They have several different methods to find the foods that they love as the same method does not work for every food group, but how do they do it?
Peacocks have excellent eyesight, which means that they can find small insects and reptiles to feast on.
The small size is not an issue as they can see them clearly, so they can simply pick them up with their beak or with their talons to eat them.
Foraging requires very little effort from peacocks as they enjoy eating most leaves and plants, but they can carefully pick out their favorite leaves and plants in the wilderness.
They can spend hours in the day picking at tasty plants from trees and bushes.
Finding Leftovers
As peacocks love grains, it can be tricky for them to find oats and corn in the wild, so they look for leftovers at farms or in gardens.
They are very clever as once they have found leftovers, they will keep returning for more, so it is important to treat the peacocks kindly, with respect, and provide them with some grains to boost their energy.
Health Problems
As foraging doesn’t take peacocks a lot of effort, they enjoy doing it as they can find tasty food to feast on without taking up a lot of energy.
This can cause them to have too much protein and calcium in their diets, which can lead to kidney problems or gout.
Peacocks need to have a balanced diet, so if you have a peacock that regularly visits your area or backyard, provide them with food other than plants.
This will help to keep them healthy and to have some variety in their diet as you can assume that the majority of what they have been eating plants, which can cause health problems.
Foods To Avoid Giving A Peacock
Peacocks have very delicate digestive systems, so always stick to feeding them foods that they are used to eating.
You should always avoid giving peacocks fatty foods like avocado, caffeine, beer, tea, or rotten food as this can cause them a lot of harm.
You should never give a peacock processed foods that contain high amounts of sugar or fat, such as pizza, chips, candy, chocolate, burgers, or cheese.
This will cause them a lot of harm and damage, so only give them food that they can eat like reptiles, insects, plants, grains, fruit, and vegetables.
Final Thoughts
Peacocks can eat a variety of different foods, including grains, reptiles, plants, insects, vegetables, and fruits.
In addition to providing peacocks with nutrients and vitamins, they also provide them with the energy to hunt and forage for more food.
Giving peacocks processed food that is high in sugar and fat is incredibly dangerous, so only feed them food that is suitable for their digestive system.
This will keep them healthy and strong so they can continue to hunt for food.