Animals That Live In The Cold

Animals That Live In The Cold

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Last Updated on April 9, 2022 by

There are approximately 6,000 species of animals that live in the cold. Some of them can even survive temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit (-40 degrees Celsius).

These creatures are called “cold-blooded” because they do not have a thick layer of insulating fat to protect their bodies from the freezing conditions.

The most famous cold-blooded animal is probably the polar bear. Polar bears spend much of their time on ice floes and hunting for seals.

They use their large claws to break through the ice and drag themselves along until they find a seal.

In this article, we are going to talk about 12 different animals that live in cold conditions and how they have adapted to live there comfortably. So, what are we waiting for/ Let’s begin!

Different Animals That Live In The Cold

1. Polar Bear – Ursus Maritimus

Polar bears live at the top of the world, where it is cold and dark for most of the year. They are very active during the summer when they spend a lot of time hunting seals.

In winter, polar bears have to stay inside their ice caves because there is no food available outside. Polar bears are known for being able to go without eating for up to three months.

This ability allows them to conserve energy, so they will be ready for spring when the sea ice melts and food becomes plentiful again.

2. Arctic Fox – Alopex Lagopus

Arctic foxes live in the tundra area of northern Canada and Alaska. They can survive in temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius. These animals are quite small and furry.

Their tails are bushy and help them keep warm. They also have long legs that allow them to run quickly. These foxes are omnivores and eat insects, grass, berries, roots, and carrion.

3. Seal – Phoca Vitulina

Seal pups are born on land and then swim out into the water. They grow up eating fish and crustaceans.

When they are about one year old, they leave the water and start spending more time on land. By this age, they already weigh around two pounds.

Seals are mammals with webbed feet, fur, and whiskers. They sleep all day and are awake all night.

During the day, they rest in shallow waters or among floating vegetation. At night, they head towards open ocean areas where they can dive to 300 meters (1000 ft) below the surface.

4. Snowy Owl – Bubo Scandiacus

Snowy owls hunt mice and other rodents by day but come back to roost at night. This owl has large ears that fold backward which helps trap air close to its body.

Its tail feathers are fluffy and make an aerodynamic shape. It hunts from treetops or cliffs. This bird breeds in the far north of Russia and winters in southern parts of Europe.

It eats voles, squirrels, moles, and birds. It hunts by sitting motionless in a tree until something passes below. Then it swoops down and grabs it with its talons.

5. Snow Leopard – Uncia Uncia

The snow leopard lives in the mountains of Central Asia. It spends much of the day sleeping in trees. During the day, it comes down to eating plants.

The snow leopard’s fur insulates it well even though it may be exposed to freezing weather. Snow leopards can reach speeds of 30 miles per hour.

They are solitary animals except when they mate. Females give birth to 2 cubs every 3 years. After a few years, the cubs become independent.

6. Musk Ox – Ovibos Moschatus

Muskoxen are herbivores that live in the tundras of North America and Eurasia. They graze on grass all day long.

To protect themselves from predators like wolves, musk oxen form groups called clans. Each clan consists of related females and young.

7. Arctic Hare – Lutra Arctica

Arctic hares are found throughout the frozen regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They dig burrows through the ground and sleep in them during the day.

At night, they venture out to feed. They only emerge from their tunnels during short periods each day.

8. Wolverine – Gulo Gulo

Animals That Live In The Cold

Wolverines are carnivorous mammals native to the forests of the Northern Hemisphere. They mainly eat rabbits and sometimes kill larger prey such as deer.

Wolverines will stalk their prey and attack without warning. Wolverines are carnivorous mammals native to the northern regions of the United States and Canada.

This animal grows to be 100-150 centimeters (39-59 inches) long.

9. Snowball Penguin – Spheniscus Demersus

The penguin family includes many species. Some are aquatic while others like the snowball penguin live near the coast. All penguins are flightless birds.

Snowball penguins live in colonies where the males take care of the eggs for several weeks before hatching. After hatching, the chicks remain with the parents for another week or so.

10. Snowflake Bat – Nyctalus Novaeangliae

These bats are very common in Siberia, the Himalayas, Japan, Korea, China, and Mongolia.

They are also known as the great mouse bat because they catch insects in flight. Their wings can flap 70 times per second.

11. Harp Seal – Pagophilus Groenlandicus

Harp seals are marine mammals that inhabit the coastal waters of the world. They are most often seen swimming along the edge of ice floes in search of food.

They haul out on rocks and logs to rest. There is some evidence that harp seals use echolocation to navigate their environment.

12. Snow Bunting – Plectrophenax Nivalis

Snow buntings are small passerine birds endemic to high-altitude mountain habitats. They build cone-shaped nests made from plant material within these coniferous forests.

These birds have been observed cleaning slugs off of vegetation before eating the animals.


There are a lot of animals in this world that live in cold weather climates from polar bears to owls – there are so many fun and interesting creatures to learn about and to explore how they live in such harsh conditions.

Humans would struggle to live in freezing temperatures without appropriate clothing and shelter, whereas these animals have adapted and learned to thrive in subzero environments.

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